When I was writing erotica and my BDSM blog, the protagonist was almost always in a submissive or servant role. There is a deep psychology behind the, "bottom," in BDSM, but I will sum up briefly what God recently clued me into regarding why I was drawn to this type of perversion of sexuality.
There is a deep seated desire placed by God within us to serve God and God alone. There is also a deep seated desire he places in our hearts to submit our own wills to his will. Submission to God is so deeply ingrained within the deepest parts of our souls that it is an easy thing for the world and/or the devil to twist to their own purposes.
The soul longs to submit to God, for it is made in the image and likeness of God. It longs to be vulnerable to God's will. It longs to open itself to even to things that seem like they are destructive. Abraham was willing to kill his son Isaac at God's request because the desire to submit to God's will was firmly planted there.
But, when our hearts stray from God and our minds still seek a playground for vulnerability, the, "bottom," or "submissive," in BDSM play is born.
It has been my experience that there is great danger in this if the mind seeks vulnerability and submission for their own sake. God does not want us to be vulnerable only for the sake of being vulnerable. He uses vulnerability to draw us closer to him and to other people. When the mindset of a submissive in BDSM takes on the attitude that punishment for punishment's sake is desirable or that subservience for subservience's sake is desirable, then this is where perversion is born. There is no purpose in it other than sexual and psychological pleasure. The fruits of this kind of submission are not edible fruits that draw us closer to God but rather make us dependent on more of this type of submission in order for gratification to occur.
Gratification sought only for the sake of gratification and pleasure sought only for the sake of pleasure bear nothing but pleasure that is inflicted upon the "bottom/submissive." It is not a shared act. It is not an intimate act. It is an inflicted act; it is inflicted in body but most often it is inflicted upon the bottom/submissive in his/her mind. It has been most often my experience through writing erotica that it is an inflicted gratification/pleasure of the mind.
Just like pornography but perhaps even more so than pornography, this bottom/submissive mindset of BDSM brings about a need for more of the same. Normal sexual relations without this escape of the mind into fantasy become increasingly more difficult over time.
I don't think God desires this for his children. For those who are married, I believe that God wants the present to in the forefront of our minds.
There are natural, God-given ways for sexual submission to occur within the marital sexual act. There are ways that he designed our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls, that draw forth the fruits of vulnerability for the sake of intimacy, submission for the sake of sharing and growth, and service to the other for the sake of giving and receiving from each other.
It is in these tender places in our hearts, minds, and souls, that we must work to avoid perversion. They are the easiest places for perversion to take place, in my opinion. I believe they are so easily twisted because we always desire to make the other happy. We desire to please God. Keeping these types of longings in check with their true purposes and true fruits is necessary, especially for those of us who easily fall victim to the sin of submission of the mind for the sole sake of submission.
About This Blog and About Me
I am a sinner. I am a sinner who has been forgiven by Christ and who seeks to serve him.
This blog contains my daily thoughts and reflections on my journey to carry my cross and follow him.
I am a lay, married Catholic woman who works a day job, who continues to sin, and who continually must seek grace, mercy, and the strength to pick the cross back up when I fall and then continue on the journey.
I am not a theologian. These words are only my (hopefully) humble attempt to learn from my day and to share what I feel may be valuable to readers. If anything I write contradicts the teachings of the Church, it is not by design but by lack of knowledge or understanding on my part.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Learning From Sin: Lies About Sexuality. Submission is for BDSM